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After a tough summer that may have included drought, insects, weeds, or other lawn care nightmares, now is the time to give lawns the help they need. Fall is the best season for lawn renovation, because weather conditions are favorable and turf faces less competition than in the spring. Fall renovation also allows the lawn time to get better established during the fall and winter months before next summer’s heat arrives.

If your lawn has thinned out, responds poorly to watering, or has a lot of weeds, renovation will give it a new lease on life.

For the best results on lawns that are very thin or are being totally renovated, slice seeding (or slit seeding) is a good choice, because it actually opens the thatch and soil and places the seed into furrows. This means better seed-to-soil contact, which results in higher germination rates.

The soil in fall is still warm and ready to grow your seed. All that’s needed is plenty of water. It's important to keep the seedbed moist once it's rained on or watered. The warm but mild weather of fall is turf's favorite time of year. Over the next month or so, you'll see your new turf areas fill in as they establish both top growth and extensive root structure. Proactively renovating your turf this fall sets it up for a vibrant and healthy spring next season.

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